PiezoBolt PB12
Sensor bolt

Properties of these PiezoBolts

Based on the patented ConSenses design, these PiezoBolts have the same load bearing capacity as conventional mechanical bolts.

The contact at the bolt head is highly robust due to a sealed contact plane. Therefore, even in rough environment, no fluid can enter the sensor. A simple ceaning is possible.

The integration of these sensors is extremely easy, as they can be mounted like a normal machine bolt with a conventional tightening tool.

Safety, simplicity and precision are the core values of ConSenses and therefore, each sensor is uniquely labeled and tested for linearity and transmission behavior for the entire operating range.

Every sensor shipment contains a testing protocol and on the basis of the values contained in this protocol, you can specify the absolute load at the bolted connection with precision.

Due to the patented sensor design, you are able to measure prestress force during tightening with simplicity and precision. For this task, we offer special tightening tools.