ConSenses Manufacturing Data Suite the data analytics package for mastering series processes
The ConSenses Manufacturing Data Suite contains all the tools needed to efficiently and purposefully evaluate the comprehensive data from industrial series production processes. The Manufacturing Data Suite always prepares data in such a way that process managers can quickly recognize patterns and initiate and check measures in a targeted manner. A particular strength of ConSenses GmbH's data analytics approach is the focus on empowering people: anomalies can be analytically questioned at any time. This uncovers the core causes of unwanted or suboptimal process behavior and provides systematic solutions, which leads to calm, goal-oriented and verifiable process improvements.
100% graphically supported data analytics processes
Data is always prepared graphically in such a way that it does not overwhelm people and essential features can be identified clearly. There is always a reference to the actual production and the physical relationships, which means that even new or semi-skilled employees can understand relationships and become experts without being data analytics experts themselves quickly. Employees can always work graphically, the software takes full responsibility for viewing and processing columns of numbers. Typically, the graphic representations quickly develop into an exchange format for technical issues, which are also used between departments or experts for technical exchange.
Manual and fully automated data analytics processes
Fully automated data analytics takes place in the report tool. Here, data can be structured and comprehensively evaluated in a fully automated manner by storing time periods or automatically reading feedback data from production planning systems. The data evaluations follow the philosophy of "from rough to fine" as standard and include statistically oriented, key figure oriented and detail oriented representations. Simple and complex representations can be created individually using simple widgets. Thus, the right data representation can be produced for the right person fully automatically. Manual data analytics is also supported fully graphical. The SmartEvaluator tool has been completely revised for integration into the Manufacturing Data Suite and integrated into the client-server software in such a way that the user experience when operated with touchscreens or a mouse has been significantly improved.
Data analytics on devices, workstations, servers and mobile devices
The Manufacturing Data Suite is available in various editions. On devices (EdgeSenses, ProductionSenses or DeveloperSenses) it replaces the Microsoft Desktop and runs in a secure kiosk mode. This edition also includes the control components for the RealTimeDevice (RTD) and ConSenses sensor systems. The Workstation Edition is always available to customers as a data viewer. Thus, recorded data can be conveniently analyzed and evaluated. The Server Edition extends this functionality. With the Server Edition, workgroups access centrally processed measurement data and larger fleets of systems are easy to handle. You can find detailed information about the editions here or simply arrange a demonstration appointment.