A Hub for Industrial intelligence

The EU-project DIGITBrain started on July 1st thus year and the first general assembly is scheduled for Dec. 10th – 11th.

We are proud to be an active partner of the consortium of DIGIT Brain Project. The DIGITbrain Project is composed of a consortium of 36 partners. During its lifetime it will offer an opportunity to participate in further 35-40 collaborators in two Open Calls for experiments, mainly technology and manufacturing small and medium size enterprises (SMEs). The EU project will be funded for three and a half years within the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme. Twenty highly innovative industrial solutions will be demonstrated by over 20 application experiments illustrating how the Digital Brain and its lower-level services can be utilized to empower SMEs with MaaS.

In a nutshell DIGITBrain cares for concepts or recycling and transferring of knowledge within enterprises, that was gathered with e.g.  the systems of ConSenses. Thus, DIGITBrain cares for example implementations of very ambitious industrial IoT implementations.

There will be two open calls, where small enterprises can join the project in order to get access to newest insights and technology. Please feel free contacting us, if you have direct questions or refer to the Digit Brain homepage link.